fair-software.eu FAIR Software assessment badge
Course Overview
The aim of the meeting is for bioinformatics trainers and educators to: Refine bioinformatics competencies and develop guidelines for applying these to the development of a curriculum and vice versa. Define guidelines and processes for curriculum accreditation/endorsement Develop trainer support materials, including: Develop an online train-the-trainer course Develop guidelines for bioinformatics trainers Curation of training materials using bioschemas
Intended Audience
Bioinformatics Trainers and Educators
Skill level of training: Beginner
Language: English
Credential awarded: No credential awarded
Type of training: Face-to-face
Venue of the course: Tsogo Sun Hotel, in Newlands, Cape Town
Dates for the course:
Course organisers: Nicola Mulder, Verena Ras, Paballo Chauke, Shaun Aron, Sumir Panji, Kim Gurwitz, Cath Brooksbank, Niall Beard, Sarah Morgan, Celia van Gelder, Michelle Brazas, Teresa Attwood
Participation: The summit is open to Bioinformatics trainers and educators, interested in working together on the development of guidelines, materials and resources for trainers.
Course Sponsors: H3ABioNet, GOBLET, ELIXIR and ISCB Education Committee
Course objectives

Classroom applications

Registration for classrooms opens: Thu, 01/01/1970
Registration for classrooms closes: Thu, 01/01/1970
Link to classroom application form:
Notification date for successful classrooms: Thu, 01/01/1970
Maximum number of participants that may be accepted per classroom will be capped at

Participant applications

Registration for participants opens: Thu, 01/01/1970
Registration for participants closes: Thu, 01/01/1970
Participant registration link:

Syllabus and Tools

We will be using existing guidelines, reports, strategies and documents to assist us in developing new guidelines and resources.


Training and Education knowledge in the field of Bioinformatics broadly including competencies, curriculum, assessments and accreditation

Course limitations
This will be a working meeting where we hope to make substantial progress on the above objectives/ overview and come out with guidelines and materials. Where required there will be a few talks to introduce or provide context around the topics. If time is limited, we might have to continue developing the guidelines online after the workshop.
For more information, please visit
Training material availability

Training material currently not available.