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The H3ABioNet grant has come to an end after 12 years of funding. Therefore, we will not be updating or adding any new information to the website. However, you can continue to access or find new locations for H3ABioNet generated tools, training, standards and resources on this website. NB: the H3ABioNet helpdesk will remain active and is now accessible as part of the AfriGen-D helpdesk (https://helpdesk.afrigen-d.org./helpdesk/).  

Some of the H3ABioNet projects have continued under new funded grants, you can find links to the new project websites below. Where applicable, links have been provided from H3ABioNet to their new locations:   

eLwazi Open Data Science Platform (ODSP):

The eLwazi consortium is a collaboration across multiple institutions aiming to develop an Open Data Science Platform funded through the DSI-Africa Initiative. eLwazi is adapted from ulwazi, a Nguni word for “knowledge” or “information”, and olwazi, meaning big rock in Luganda. The aim of eLwazi is to provide an African Open Data Science Platform and associated resources to support the Harnessing Data Science for Health Discovery and Innovation in Africa (DS-I Africa) consortium and beyond. The vision of the eLwazi is to provide users with a flexible environment for 1) depositing, sharing, and accessing data, 2) selecting data-specific tools and methods, 3) Deploying tools and workflows suited to the African context, to facilitate novel discoveries for health.

eLwazi Open Data Science Platform (ODSP) website: https://elwazi.org/  

African Genomics Data Hub (AfriGen-D):

African Genomics Data Hub (AfriGen-D) website: https://afrigen-d.org 

African Bioinformatics Institute (ABI):

African Bioinformatics Institute (ABI) website: coming soon!