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    H3Africa Webinar: Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (G4GH)
    Thursday 04 April 2019, 15:30 - 16:30
    Hits : 156
    Dear H3Africa Consortium members,

    Please join the webinar on the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (G4GH) on Thursday 4 April 2019 at 9:30am EDT/1:30pm GMT/2:30pm BST&WAT/3:30pm CAT /4:30pm EAT

    Presenter: Nicola Mulder

    The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH” is “a policy-framing and technical standards-setting organization, seeking to enable responsible genomic data sharing within a human rights framework”. The GA4GH does not store or share data, it develops tools and standards to facilitate responsible genomic data sharing to benefit participants. H3Africa has been accepted as a GA4GH driver project to help with the development and implementation of these tools and standards and to benefit from them.

    All Welcome,

    Kind Regards,

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